Wednesday 8 May 2013

Chicken Doctor's Advice

Hetty seems to have made a miraculous recovery, I am happy to report. Helen was looking decidedly ropey for a while there, but all the chickens have now been wormed and epsom salted, so if there was anything going on in their digestive systems, there won't be now!

I diluted a teaspoon of epsom salts into a cupful of water and mixed it in with their normal water. They aren't too keen on the taste, but eventually the bowl is depleted and they get a good clearout! As Hetty was so poorly last week, we used a syringe to inject it directly into her mouth (diluted of course). What fun we had - diluted epsom salts everywhere! You need to make sure that you only inject a small amount at a time as you can drown the chicken if you do it too fast!

We have been worming the hens this week, using Flubenvet which we bought from our local animal food supply shop. You mix 6g of Flubenvet with 2kg of chicken feed and give them this over the period of a week - simples! The hens eat this quite happily - result - happy, healthy, hens!

Thursday 2 May 2013

Hetty's recovery

I am pleased to report that Hetty is feeling much better today. It seems that the epsom salts did the trick! Still on poo alert, but Hetty's poo is now looking more normal. I've also put some epsom salts into the main water (although chickens do not like the taste).

It has been a beautiful day, so I have been down with the chickens, planting vegetables and keeping my eye on the hens' behaviour. Hetty gave Henrietta a right peck, so she is clearly on the mend! Clucky, Helen and Hillary were a little quiet, perhaps due to the warm weather and just enjoying their sunbathing, but I will keep my eye on them just in case.

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Epsom salts - The cure for everything?

Following the death of much loved Baldrick the other day, I have been watching the chickens like a hawk! I am literally on poo watch! Today, Hetty was showing similar signs and lo and behold, she, also started to excrete yellow poo. Initially, she stayed in the nesting box and didn't move. I took the decision to separate her from the rest of the flock an lifted her into a box containing bedding to keep her cosy. Hetty was having none of it and escaped the box; suddenly she picked up and started to eat. I decided to separate her anyway and put her in the shed (much to her disgust as she wanted to be with her mates).

When you have to make a diagnosis, it couldn't be more difficult; chickens don't speak! Generally, you only have a few items in the medicine kit, but they work for several illnesses. It can often be a matter of best guess and in this case, I use epsom salts.

Epsom salt is a natural mineral; Magnesium Sulphate. It is soothing to the skin, so is good for soaking baths if a hen has a skin problem. It can also be used internally; it detoxifies toxins, if ingestion of a dangerous plant or poison has occurred. It acts as a laxative if your hen’s system needs flushing, or if her crop is impacted or the digestive process is blocked and will gently move things along. It’s a general cure for all (or many), so if you have a hen that has weak legs, no energy, appears ill without having respiratory symptoms, it can’t hurt to give a small dose of epsom salts. Dissolve 1 teaspoon in 30ml of lukewarm water. Use a syringe and put into the hens mouth bit by bit. If you put too much in, you will drown the hen's lungs. Hold her gently, making sure you have the wings so that she can't fly away. Allow her to swallow in between.  Hopefully, Hetty will be feeling better tomorrow.